
Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Yesterday and Today–Random Childhood Memories

A few weeks ago in the workshop Yesterday and Today Class over at Big Picture Classes we were working on documenting our childhood memories. Just getting them written down with a supporting picture if we had them.

Childhood memories 1_600Driving down to Warnboro with Daniel, Grandma and Grandad Kerr in the 1973 blue Honda Civic wagon. Tossing up whether to pretend to be asleep and get carried in to Warnboro or whether to stay awake and hopefully get some golden fruitcake and milk for supper before bed.

Sitting for hours trying to write with my calligraphy pen without smudging it. I received it as a gift from Misty-Jane McGinley from 3 Claredon Court, for my 10th birthday. Writing the sentiment for almost every card, cheque etc that left the house for many years after this just to practise!
Making and selling craft things both in Merredin and No Ordinary Art Exhibition Aunty Rosalie’s place.
Hours making paper, painting, doing decoupage, quilling, scherenschnitte, flannel dollies, corn dollies, embroidering, knitting, sewing, Thanks to Mum, Grandma, Nana, Mrs Loneragan,Mrs Arthur, Christine Christensen for their time and patience!

At 7, Getting lots of wasp bites on my knee while collecting red gumnut covers out the from of 33 Foyle Rd. Also coming out in hives after touching a caterpillar cocoon. At 12, Getting a bee-sting on my bottom while doing up my shoelaces on the net ball court across from Kingsway Christian College.

Childhood Memories 2

Taking Lauren home from the King Edward Memorial hospital and sitting in the “backest back” on the Ford Falcon XF to be able to see her.January 1991

I had so much fun with all my brothers and sisters!

Lots of reading! I’d read till late into the night., if I could! I’d often spend more of the weekend reading. Grandma and Dad would read us stories from Narnia to Anne of Green Gables.

Playing in the garage at Claredon Court with a shop, library, golf course and petrol station. We had the little Epson HX-20 machines with a barcode scanner, printer and cassette drive for saving the programs!
Spending hours and hours working on the little Epsons trying to program them.
We got to draw on the concrete in the car port with chalk!


Credits: Ali Edwards Template from the Yesterday and Today class
CVW SupplyTracker 
Impressions of Comfort at Home, Impressions of Heritage, Impressions of Tradition digital kits
Modern No.20

It’s amazing how many memories start to flow when you start writing them down. Do you identify with any of my stories – link me up to your pages if you are doing the class too!

**Disclaimer: For each new account created with my Registration Code as a "friend", a 10% off code will be issued once the new account has purchased one class. Code will be available under "My Rewards". 10% off code can be used towards Self-Paced classes and Workshops. Code cannot be used towards gift certificate purchases. Melissa’s registration code is D952F179 - or click on

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1 comment:

  1. Oh, I loved this class. Your page is lovely. This is essentially where the I got the idea for "random" memories. I created several layouts from this class with older photos and loved using them.  I have a ton of the small 3.5x3.5 photos but a large, square 12x12 canvas just didn't feel like the right space for them. I saw the idea for the cards in a box in a CK magazine and then it all came together. Random memories + individual cards + box = awesome project! :)
