Over the past few years a lot of forum has become virtual ghost towns in the scrapbooking arena.
Either that, or they are so huge that a new member goes unnoticed.
Don’t you hate that?
I used to check in daily at a couple forums where people actually knew me and commented on my layouts. Now, where have those scrapbookers gone?
Some are over in Flick groups, some just add their scrapbooking friends on Facebook and chat through comments, and some are premium members at Simple Scrapper.
Do you want to join a group of women who love to scrapbook, share stories and tips and are generally all around fun people to hang out with?
I do!
I want to invite you to come and scrapbook with me and my friends with a special discount!
Join us and you’ll be able to:
- Chat and scrap with like-minded scrapbookers in our Facebook group
- Get inspired with easy projects, templates and sketches
- Learn with online courses (included in your membership!)
- Generate new ideas with journalling and photo prompts
I can’t wait to see you inside!
Happy Scrapping!