Thursday, June 28, 2012
My story matters: I feel
I did love nail polish and wore it most days from about 15ish until August 2003 when I started in records management full time. All the paper handling ruined the polish but helped the nails grow.
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Monday, June 25, 2012
My new stash - its all your fault @starofmay :)
And splashed out to get some new base coat, top coat and colours thanks to her inspiration. I've not done my nails in a couple of years, so I'm thankful Seche Vite covers a multitude of sins!
Even Emily decided she was "a bit bigger now" so she could get her nails done too!
Next up... Nail stamping (once I get better at avoiding cuticle flooding)
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Edward at 7.5 weeks
You love to look to see new and familiar voices. You especially love Daddy and Emily talking to you.
You are 'a happy little boy' as Emily would say and are quite good about going to sleep in your own bassinet.
You have slept 8 hours once, but more usually do 6, 3, and 2 hours at night.
You are blessed with lots of relatives who love to visit and I am often stopped when we are out by people who comment on your gorgeous blue eyes and how alert you are.
You are very good in the car, but when it's time for a feed or nappy change you have quite a good cry on you!
You are starting to enjoy family dinners and manage to stay awake for tea time now.
Bath time is also a favourite and you love to hold Emily's hand while Daddy washes you. In the trough you stretch out to touch the ends and like to look at the taps.
I love you my little boy.
Sunday, June 17, 2012
Your Story Matters
A class with Lain - name your price!
I hope to see you inside!
*affliliate links where possible- please use them to support my blog*
Saturday, June 16, 2012
Photography made easy: Coupon for 20% off
Real Life Photography

In 70 pages of photo fabulousness, pro photographer Rebecca Cooper shares her best insider tricks for taking amazing photos in all kinds of real-life situations.
You'll learn how to take the best possible photo in the first place as well as how to use a few simple editing tools to add an extra dose of magic to your everyday moments.
Illustrated by 127 real-life photos, this life-changing eBook is organized into six useful chapters, including: Photographing Real Life, Using Real Light, Capturing Real Relationships, Practicing Real Patience, Enhancing Real Photos, and Checklists for Real Life.
Get better photos with actions

Add an extra dose of magic to your favorite photos with these simple actions for Photoshop and Photoshop Elements. Fix common photo problems, punch up the color, or even create ultra rich black and whites in just a few clicks of the mouse.
If you're new to actions, watch one of two instructional videos to see exactly how to install and use Photoshop Actions. Your life is about to change! If you're a photo-editing pro, this high quality, versatile, classic set is a must for your action library. You'll turn to it again and again.
Enjoy these 8 amazing actions:
Simply Boost
Simply Lighten
Simply Darken
Simply Dark/Light Selective
Goodbye Red Skin (see example)
Goodbye Yellow Skin
Simply Sharpen
Simply Black & White
Instructional .pdf is included with purchase. Actions can be installed on either Macintosh or PC versions of Photoshop and Photoshop Elements.
20% off Coupon Code
There’s a special offer on these booksPurchase Real.Life.Photography and the Simple Fixes Action Set in the same purchase and save 20% with code PHOTOFIX. And since both are currently only $9.99 each (introductory price! regularly $12.99 each), that means you'll save a total of $9 by purchasing them together now!Melissa
PS Haven’t seen Ella’s stunning ebooks? Get your free super sampler!

PPS I’m an Ella Friend because I love Ella! That’s why you get the great deals
Friday, June 15, 2012
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Summer Biz Camp for Creative Business Owners

I’m excited to be part of the Biz Camps class coming up next week and just wanted to share this class with you. If you are building an business in the creative space I know you’ll be inspired by Jennifer’s actionable steps to building a business with happy, loyal customers. Jennifer knows her stuff, and is the owner of Simple Scrapper.

Biz Camp 101 demystifies the online tools and approaches today’s small businesses need to know and lays out exactly how to attract and build relationships with the creative consumer.
Registration is open!
Get started with marketing your business online by enrolling in the Summer 2012 session of Biz Camp 101. With this online course, you will:
- You’ll receive 10 downloadable PDF lessons with action-oriented assignments. The lessons provide your basic training as well as a jumping off point for further discussion.
- Jennifer will be available to answer your specific questions in the forum during the two month course.
- You’ll become part of a tight-knit online community of fellow Biz Camp members, to brainstorm solutions, trade advice and experience, find potential partners, and get personalized advice.
- We’ll help you develop and follow through with a crystal clear action plan for implementing your Biz Camp experience.
- You’ll have lifetime access to our forum AND future Biz Camp sessions for ongoing encouragement, advice and support.
For just $89 today, you’ll receive the Biz Camp course material, bonus business-building lessons, unlimited email access to Jennifer during the course and the ongoing, lifetime support of your Biz Camp peers in our forum.
I’d be thrilled to see you inside!
*using the affiliate links support my blog and free digital scrapbooking webinars*
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Take 12 June 2012 #take12
It's time again for Ella's Take 12. On the 12th of each month I stop and take (hopefully 12) photos of our daily life. There’s also monthly theme prompts in the Take Twelve pack, but I’m keeping it simple with a toddler and new baby!
What is Take Twelve?
The goal of the 2012 Take Twelve Project is to take 12 photos on the 12th day of each month for a full 12 months—and scrapbook them! You can join in the fun any month of the year, but we hope you'll join in starting January 12. Get the scoop at more about the history of the Take Twelve project and see Ella’s FAQ section.
Are you taking 12? Don't forget to share them on Instagram or Twitter with #take12 hash tag or in our Flickr group
I've been using Instagram to take my photos each month (mostly) supplemented with my Canon IXSUS point and shoot.
Here’s my photos for the Take 12 year so far…
Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.
PS Have you got the free Ella Sampler ebook yet?
Monday, June 11, 2012
Friday, June 8, 2012
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Monday, June 4, 2012
My little girl
Mummy do you want to play with me?
Edward is a happy baby
Golden curls
Drawing pictures
Carrying baby doll in the new carrier
Learning to tell the time (well sort of)
Learning to share even the favourite toys at Pebbles
Loving babysitters
Loving to visit Aunty Lauren at work (not for much longer)
Learning surprises can be good
Baby love
Bonds cozy cuff suits
Chubby cheeks
Eyes that stare into yours
Sleep routines
Love my little boy