Up early, (before Emily) to eat porridge and up and go.
Say bye to Phill
Check work emails and answer student questions on the forum as Emily eats her breakfast
Build a farmyard with Duplo, Megablocks and some other plastic blocks.
Start a load of washing
Come back to find Emily has put Grandma and Lego (the girl Duplo character) to bed
Eat 2nd breakfast, eggs and baked beans on toast and work on my website while Emily watches Peppa Pig and Playschool
Hang out the washing and love the smell of summer in the air and the cool easterly (which will no doubt be warm soon!)
Remember to check the cricket scores! :) Go Warriors
Convince Emily there are no bees so it's safe to play in the sandpit
Attempt to fold washing and talk to Emily through t he window (but go out every 2 mins due to flies, running out of water or the lid I've angled to shade her falling down
Give Emily a bath
Make lunch (salad vegies and philly, plus some nuts & dried fruit) and Emily's lunch (3 fish fingers, salad, Heinz Salad Cream, nuts and dried fruit)
Print off 3 cinnamon bun recipes and start making one of them (why do I always want to bake when it's time to mark assignments)
Put Emily to bed for her afternoon sleep (twice!)
Write this blog post
Mark some assignments.
Let's see how I go with that!

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