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Monday, August 1, 2011

Christmas in July Crafting Fun! Day 7 #WeekintheLife


Another fun day with cleaning, prepping for Christmas in July and then crafting the day away.
After much planning we had an awesome crafty event to help us all get a head start on Christmas. We spend a few hours getting a head start on any Christmas Crafting projects (cards/decorations/etc) that usually get buried during the Christmas Season. We had festive food I'd been making all week - fruit mince pies, mini puddings, sausage and a few other goodies brought along by other crafters. Music was very festive thanks to the Shanhun’s collection of Christmas CDs.

Emily and Phill headed off to swimming lessons, leaving Sarah, Jodi, Mum, Lauren, Cait and I to craft. In between showers Phill worked on levelling the backyard, making a new top for his water damaged router table, and window shopping at Bunnings. Emily slept well and enjoyed seeing everyone too.
Dinner was prepared by Phill – chicke burgers and chips! Yum!

Quote of the Day

SWIMMING LESSONS!!! (Shouted loudly then…) Noisy!

Mummy’s ‘riends over

Favourite Photo

My stash of cards from the day.

20110730 Week in the life Day 7 14

My week in the life so far

See my flickr photos

Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.

See all my Week in the Life Posts here

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I’ll be sharing the album that comes out of this week soon. I’ve still not chosen the templates

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dawn said...

What a fun and crafty day you had. I love that you had a Christmas in July party too. This was my first year doing this and have decided to make it a tradition for us now. Your cards are beautiful. Enjoy the process of putting it together now. 

One Night Stand Springfield said...

It sounds like you had a wonderful and productive day.


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