In the spirit of not waiting for the ‘perfect day’ and we are currently sharing a camera, I decided to document Monday, when we had our tiler’s meeting for the house, and I’d have the camera there already. In my usual style I ended up with 4 pages. I never could keep to a word limit!
Ali Edwards Template from the Yesterday and Today class
CVW SupplyTracker
Garden Whimsy Kit by Flergs and Sugarplum Paperie
Here’s the journalling:
5:45 Heard Phill’s alarm. Phill jumps in the shower and I snooze for a couple more minutes. Then I get up and quickly dress. Ate my porridge (Phill makes it for Emily and I each morning)What a day! I feel tired just reading it! I think looking back I would have like to capture more of the conversations of the day, and perhaps next time I’ll capture a more normal day. But then I’m sure it will be interesting to look back on this time living in the ‘apartment’ and waiting for our new home.
I wrapped up some pita bread chips and some vegemite bread to eat on the way up.
Woke Emily at 7:45 – she was fast asleep. “Wet, Suit” – so we changed her nappy and popped on the dress I’d promised her she could wear the night before. She loves to choose what to wear.
Couldn’t convince her to eat porridge, so she had her Brownes Deluxe Mango Passion Yoghurt.
Off to our new home at 69 Timberlane for the Tiler’s meeting with our Building Supervisor (Vince) at 8am. The traffic was slow up til Perth – Canning highway is always bad with drivers pulling out without indicating etc as usual! I remembered I wanted to document this day, so started to take a few pictures.
The Mitchell Freeway was quick and we arrived at 7:38 tiler was there already. The house was cool (even without insulations) we looked around for a bit – the bath was in. Emily loves running around and checking out all the cupboards and doors. Meeting with Vince to check all the cabinetry, paint colours and tiles. The border tiles weren’t the one from the board we selected but they were the ones written on the addenda. Vince to follow up with tiles, and also check about our electricity meter number so we can get the solar panels in.
A bit before 9am Philomena from Solomon’s carpet came to do the check measure and for us to sign the paperwork for the carpet for out new house – she thought Emily was teething looking at her pink cheeks – but she was just hot! I was so tired from carrying Emily but she kept trying to run around in the garage (the grano was in) so I had to hold her. Phill was hot too. I told Emily we could have an ice-cream.
After signing off on the meeting we went to the nearby BP, must have sold out of most icecreams. It’s been so hot in Perth lately. Bought two icecream sandwiches.
Drop Phill of at the “kiss and ride” at Whitfords Train Station a bit after 9 Emily is upset Daddy is leaving. Puts her icecream on the car seat Informs me that her “inger” is dirty and wants it wiped. Calms down and eats her icecream after a while.
Arrive at Sherwin Rise, move the car under the garage, unpack and sit down. Mum, Lauren, John and Cait home. Lauren doing Uni, Cait doing school.
10am Emily had a dry nappy and did a big wee on the potty! Emily and I ate some fudge brownies leftover from Lauren’s lifegroup meeting on Sunday night
11:10 Put Emily down for a sleep, after Mum reminded me we needed to drop John off. Nursed Emily as she’d missed out on her morning feed in the rush.
Dropped John off at YouthCare for work experience. Went via Bishop Rd to the Galleria, saw big huntsman spider on my window. Freaked out a little. Phill had noticed it on Sunday, but forget to get rid of it, I was surprised it was still there.
~12pm Parked close to Myer, after fitting into a spot next to a concrete pier. Got Mum to check before I got out but spider now safely on the boot. went in and noticed 50% off marked down clothing, so mum looked for dresses for Cait’s ball and I went to the Clinique counter and got some Dramatically Different Moisturising Gel and my gift. Had a look at Forever New and saw some beautiful dresses Cait may like took photos on my phone, forgetting I had the camera in my bag!! I noticed that a couple of my older dresses are now in fashion again and Mum said how Cait is now reusing some of my old outfits. I bought some size 10 shorts from Temt and a little tatted/lace vest. Mum got milk from Coles then we went back to the car – checked for spider and didn’t find it. Drove home. Saw Commitment = Satisfaction on the water truck at the Reid Hwy/Alex Driver overpass construction site.
1pm Arrived home, ate salad roll on multigrain bun. Had a cup of tea and a muffin. Chatted to Cait, Mum and Lauren about various things. Did some reading of Isaiah.
3pm A storm came up – a little bit of rain. Emily woke, Mum, Cait and I got her up and changed her nappy. Mum read her books and we watched a video of Emily playing on my iPodwhile feeding her lunch and calling Phill to check arrangements for tea. After 2 nights out we decided to go home for tea.
3:15pm left Mum and Dad’s – Emily wasn’t impressed by the traffic on Hepburn Ave (it was really slow due to roadworks, and demanded I put on “This Little Light of Mine” rather than
3:45 Saw 3 trains waiting between the stations on the freeway. Listened to 4pm news of ABC Perth (720 AM), nothing on the trains. Damage to Ellenbrook and Midland from the storm. Emily was wanting her music on
4:20ish get home to Foss St. Say hi to Grandma & Grandad. Grandad, Grandma and Emily all sit on the bed and read from her favourite “Monk” 5 Little Monkeys Book
Read emails and RSS reader for a little while. Emails from Dale Alcock confirming the change to the tiles (no cost to us thankfully!) Took screenshots of arial pictures of our house under construction from Took some photos of the sky.
5:06 Phill rang and said he was walking up from the bus. I grabbed Emily’s shoes and headed over the road to meet Daddy. Phill asks if I can make hime some bread, so I put on a white loaf.
5:30 Dinner is t-bone steak, potato salad, fried pumpkin and onion with almonds and balsamic vinegar, coleslaw.5:20 Start Emily on leftover patties from Friday. She wants to go outside with Daddy. It’s hot but I let her go out. She does the watering and plays with Daddy. I sit on the hammock for a minute.
Dinner was BBQ sausages, t-bone steak, potato salad, fried pumpkin and onion with almonds and balsamic vinegar, coleslaw. Delicious.
6:45 As Grandad is taking over the dishes, Emily calls “Ray” for Grandad to clear up her plate too,. Grandma and Phill think this is hilarious and keep encouraging her.
7:10 Bath, Emily loves drawing with her bath crayons. Daddy teaches her to smile for the camera. Wants Mummy to do everything.
7:30 Emily in jammies for bed, “nap , suit, dummy, bunny”. I nurse her (“hair” she likes to hold onto my hair lately while I feed her) and then she settles to sleep herself. “Bank, teddy bank” wants her two blankets with her in bed AND a quilt. I decide to let her have them and work on getting rid of them later in the week.
We sat and relaxed with some ice-cream topped with Cherry ripebits and watched the Valentine’s episode of Modern Family and finished watching an episode of NCIS:LA
. Have my vitamins, magnesium, ginkgo.
9:15 Bread is ready, but a bit flat, I forgot the bread improver! Never mind.
9:30 Shower and bed.
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