Emily slept in this morning and ate breakfast with Daddy. Emily was not feeling too well and spent most of the morning on the couch watching television. Dumbo is quite a favourite since Aunty Skib brought her back the soft toy from the US.
I did some work on an upcoming guest blog post and prepped for Christmas in July at lunch time we heard our Kalgoorlie house finally had an offer put on it. After some negotiation we were thrilled with the outcome! Our house is under offer!
We have a celebratory dinner and enjoyed our last evening with Phill at home this week.
Quote of the Day
Creatures of the Rain and Sun, Mummy (Emily asking for a Justine Clarke song)
Favourite Photo
My week in the life so far
Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.
See all my Week in the Life Posts here
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looks like you have some great photos for this week! Great job!
Hi Melissa, I love your Week in the Life Posts - your little girl is gorgeous! You posted on my blog some time ago from a BPC class - sorry it has taken me forever to post back - life has been a little hectic with my baby boy! I would love to be in touch - I live in Melville. My email is rellemick@bigpond.com. I am taking Finding Photo Freedom and LOAD right now on BPC, but not actually scrapbooking much. Take Care. Narelle
Sweet photos! Your daughter is adorable. =)
Love those photos of Dad (?) on the floor with your little girl - beautifully captured. :)
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